The Death of the Sugar Sector....What is ailing the Sugar Industry?
quote “Do not ask what your nation will do for you instead ask yourself
what you can do for your nation” is often quoted but never given in
complete perspective, What can a government do for her people before she
asks the same from her citizens? Currently, the Kenyan government is
negotiating for another 10 year extension window for the importation of
sugar and sugar products from the COMESA region. This could be good for
Kenyan economy for it also allows the exchange of other Kenyan products
into the same market but this bilateral agreement has killed a
potential Kenyan agricultural sector; The sugar industry.
it is not a lost fact that the sugar sector has been in the doldrums
and has envisaged lip-service more than real development policies. The
sugar industry players for a good period cumulatively presided over
the death of sugar factories like Ramisi and Miwani and the few actively
remaining factories like Mumias, SONY, Chemelil, and Nzoia have been
crippled to operate below their potential. Shockingly, leader after
leader from these once vibrant sugar belts get to these ranks especially
the elective positions based on their empty promises to revive or lobby
the government to give life to this ailing industry in its death bed.
farmers in these regions have lost their zeal to grow sugar cane. For
instance, the relentless farmers in Magina - Apondo (Nyando District); a
once considered sugarcane producing zone have to contend with
persistent arsonist attacks as they watch their plantations razed down
to ashes because the surrounding factories cannot process the canes and
even when they are taken to the far flung factories, the pricing does
not merit the farmers’ efforts.
other cash crop farmers, the sugarcane farmers have never got any
incentive from the government. Truth be told, they have been subjected
to unfair competition by the very same government which is supposed to
be the protector the local farmer. Unscrupulous business entities have
been allowed to import sugar into the country beyond the regulated
amounts. The ripple effect is that the local factories have been reduced
to minor players in the sugar which in effect takes out the farmer in
Apondo, Busia, Awendo and Ramisi from cane farming; thus his/her main
source of livelihood is crippled and in a very thoughtless sense, the
cycle of poverty is rooted by the very same government that is supposed
to better it.
both the cane farmer and the sugar industry are in luck for with the
advent of the county governments, the above ailing can be the basis to
form a deliberate common ground to lobby for better effective and
implementable policies. For instance, the county governments can lobby
for foreign direct investment to the sector by offering attractive
incentives or the sugarcane growing counties can come together and from
a common front to repeal the obsolete polices that have killed the
sector. Counties like Busia, Kisumu, Kericho, Kakamega, Kilifi must
deliberately seek a common front and voice to address this vital sector
that has untapped potential. Better still; the government should shed
its ownership percentage share to the local farmers and let them be part
of their own factories.
county government must preside over the revival of Miwani (which is the
only factory in East and Central Africa that could process refined
sugar), Ramisi for the benefit of the Coastal region and these half dead
factories be revitalized to operate at full capacity. The Governors
must not resort rushing to go begging for aid to stabilize their
counties and plunge them into serious debt crisis in the future but seek
the hard yet lucrative path of enhancing their self sustainability by
maximizing the usage of the resources at their disposal within the
counties prudently.
now, the clamour is for the Central government to send monies to the
County governments but it is not hard to foresee a situation where the
Central government will gain its stability emanating from the steady
growth from the county governments. If real growth was envisaged through
county governments then the Kenyan economic withstanding in the global
scene must be based on the performance of the same county government. If
the government (Central or County governments) can do this for her
people, then and only then will be the question complete; what will a
person do to his/her government? And the answer won’t be hard to guess;
“contribute to my government’s growth”.
The writer is Deputy Sec. Gen and Training Director at Kenya National Debate Council (KNDC)
Well put. Enjoyed reading this article